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28 septembre 2015 1 28 /09 /septembre /2015 21:45

"Sorry, something went wrong."

That was the message that greeted many Facebook users trying to log in Today's evening "Still occur". It was unclear at publishing time how many accounts and users were affected. The social media leader rarely experiences a site crash and prides itself on its reliability. With some one billion active users (that's according to Facebook), it is one of the biggest sites on the web, and pulls in billions of dollars in advertising revenue.

For the second time in a week, Facebook had outage issues. The giant social network - the billion and some users website began having issues around 8 p.m. EET – Eastern European Time, causing a flurry of angry posts on the other social media networks that were working.

Facebook went down on September 24th for a brief time, much to the frustration of their one billion active users - billion and some active users. That's a lot of advertising revenue to lose for the second time in a week. For now we don't know yet what caused such outage and for a second time in a week. We'll update you when the blue social network went back online.

Facebook Goes Down for the Second Time in a Week
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